The Master’s degree in Art Direction is dedicated to graduates or persons with an equivalent job background who have already acquired the essential basics in graphics and need to harmonize all they already know into creating a mindset with which to convey their own creativeness.
Throughout this journey, not only does the creative idea find freedom of expression but also those tools for channelling itself in order to achieve practical goals in briefings set by real Companies.
The Master’s degree starts at the end of September and finishes in May. It is full-time (approximately 8 hours per day) from Monday to Friday with mandatory attendance.
The Accademia di Comunicazione educational approach is based on the ‘learning by doing’ methodology.
Competences and skills required to start a career in the Art Direction Advertising field must be acquired through hands-on experience not only books in order to cope with the extremely rapid changes requiring continual updating.
That’s why at Accademia the teaching staff is made up exclusively of outstanding professionals in the various fields of Communication: Creative Directors, Art Directors, Photographers, Directors, Producers and Visual Communication Experts from the most important Italian and international Agencies.
Accademia di Comunicazione, thanks to programs constantly updated according to job market demand and close ties with the communication industry, offers its students an educational environment where they acquire skills and a problem-solving mindset through a project-oriented methodology with Live projects set by real companies developed in small teams, pairing up with creatives, under the guidance of professionals.
During the formative path the students realize advertising campaigns and creativity projects, commissioned in briefings with Companies and non-profit organisations, by teaming with students from the Copywriting Courses and with guidance from Creative Directors.
During the Master’s degree, students participate (and win) in the most important national and international awards with guidance from Italian and English Creative Directors:
ADCI Awards – Italian Art Directors club Award; The One Show College Competition: the New York Art Directors Club Award – The D&AD Student Awards : the British Art Directors Club Award– Spot School Award: The International Mediterranean Award– Young Lions: the Roger Hatchuel Academy Award in Cannes – Future Lions.
The Master’s degree addresses disciplines needed both to acquire and/or increase the natural ability of lateral and creative thinking, essential for persuasive communication, and to provide a set of concrete experiences which will allow participants to realize a final presentation portfolio necessary for Agency presentation. Presentation of a complete, project-filled portfolio is in fact the only way of accessing the world of Advertising.
At the end of the Course, internships at Companies, Agencies, Associations and Professional Studios are scheduled for each and every student. Internships subsequently turn into proper jobs and the start of their professional career.
Those who attend the Master’s degree in Art Direction may work:
– as Art Directors in Press Agencies
– as Producers
Fees are reduced according to family income.
Participants may also make use of student loans.
Technological skills: excellent knowledge of Photoshop and InDesign.
Practical experience: in order to gain admittance to the Master’s degree in Art Direction one must also have, besides technological skills, practical experience in the fields of graphics and/or advertising.
Those who may gain admittance to the Master’s degree are graduates, undergraduates or people with an equivalent job background.
Assessment of participation in a two-year course is possible for those who want to partake in the degree but do not meet all the necessary requirements though having a good starting point.
An appointment for an admissions interview of mutual acquaintance and motivational assessment must be fixed in order to attend the course.
Admission is subject to the check of the portfolio as proof of the experience acquired.
The course issues a certificate of competence which certifies professional qualification in line with the directives and regulations of the EU community.
Competences acquired throughout this course are certified by the Region of Lombardy and are valid within the EU as part of the EUROPEAN QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK FOR LIFELONG LEARNING (EQF).
Owing to both its history and the quality of the formative method the Course has obtained the patronage of the Italian Art Directors club.